
American Journal of Polymer Science and Technology

The journal will publish peer-reviewed open access English language articles that bridge the gap between research and patenting of an invention, targeting a broad audience of academic and industrial researchers, as well as the increasingly important world of scientists and engineers at start-up companies. The journal also will publish significant advances in polymer science, including chemistry, physical chemistry, physics and material science.
About this journal:
The scope of the journal provides a medium for publication of substantial and original papers, and short communications which focus on Research of Polymers and developments. The journal aims to publish papers with significance to an international audience, containing substantial novelty and scientific impact. The journal will consider articles on the following:

  • • Functional polymers
  • • Polymer composites and blends
  • • Semiconductors
  • • Polymer membranes
  • • Hydrogels
  • • Radiation synthesis and modification of different type of polymers
  • • Potential application of polymers in different fields such as industrial, biomedical, agricultural
  • Submit your paper about any of these topic in this journal, publish your scientific paper online:http://bit.ly/1MD0QN4

