
International Journal of Literature and Arts

International Journal of Literature and Arts (IJLA), a peer-reviewed open access journal published bimonthly in English-language, aims to foster a wider academic interest in literature and arts, and publishes a wide range of researches on literature studies, art theory, appreciation of arts, culture and history of arts and other latest findings and achievements from experts and scholars all over the world. Each issue contains a variety of critical articles, an extensive book reviews section, a selection of original poetry, and the visual and performing arts, and so on.

ISSN:2331-0553 (Print)
ISSN:2331-057X (Online)
About This Journal
International Journal of Literature and Arts (IJLA) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal featuring research articles of exceptional significance in all areas of literature and arts. Subject areas may include, but are not limited to the following fields:
  • • Architecture
  • • Art history
  • • Art theory
  • • Appreciation of arts
  • • Children's literature
  • • Culture heritage
  • • Cultural issues
  • • Folklore
  • • Latin
  • • Literature
  • • Media studies
  • • Music
  • • Visual and performing arts
  • • Writing
  • So, if you like, you can read all latest issue about these subjects in this journal for free:http://bit.ly/1Ey0WD4

